Global Art Malaysia

Elo Hi, we’re ready to nurture creativity to the children of Timor Leste!

Hooray! Global Art is celebrating another special day in welcoming our new international country partner, Global Art Timor Leste!

Even though we are still facing the pandemic that started last year, Global Art is truly thankful to our new international partners, Global Art New Zealand, who came on board early this year, and now having Global Art Timor Leste in joining us today, thank you for your trust and confidence in Global Art!

Today, this MOU signing ceremony between Global Art Malaysia Headquarters is represented by Global Art Founder, Mr. Mahair Goh, and Global Art Timor Leste Country Director, Ms. Priscilla Soh, and joining them both, this ceremony is also supported, and witnessed by the presence of Datuk Radzali Bin Hassan, Chairman of the Malaysian Franchise Association.

Also present are, from left En. Ahmad Faizal Mohamed Noor – Chief Executive Officer of MFA, Datuk DR Radzali Hassan – Chairman of MFA, Ms. Priscilla Soh – Director of Global Art Timor Leste, Mr Mahair Goh – Founder of Global Art, PN. Zuraida Jomri – General Manager of MFA, Nurul Ain Mohamad – Asst.Manager Public Relation of MFA, Nabila Syafifi Roslan – Manager Members Affair of MFA, Global Art Headquarters, Mr. Ajin Thong – Chief Operation Officer, Mr. Terry Lim – Chief Marketing Officer, and our respected Global Art Franchisees and guests, and with that in place, we would like to thank everyone for being here today, not forgetting our utmost appreciation to MFA for your continued support, in particular, Chairman Datuk Radzali for taking out your precious time for Global Art as always!

If you wish to learn more about the Global Art Franchise Program, click here